Main Logo
Use the white background logo as the default logo, and the reversed logo as needed on darker backgrounds.
C=100 M=78 Y=4 K=50
R=0 G=40 B=95
C=100 M=78 Y=4 K=0
R=2 G=80 B=158
C=77 M=46 Y=6 K=0
R=65 G=125 B=183
C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=30
R=188 G=190 B=192
C=0 M=29 Y=70 K=0
R=255 G=189 B=98
Body | 16px
Letter Spacing: Default
Line Height: Default
Heading Weight: 500
Body Weight: 400
Use black for all text by default. May use blue text for occasional accents.
CMYK: C=50 M=50 Y=50 K=100*
*Use rich black text for a darker printed black.
Font: OSWALD | 18px | 500 weight | UPPERCASE
Icon on right side | 10px spacing (optional)
Button background color: #02509E
Hover background color: #00285F
White 1pt outline
Blue Nail offers a variety of logos for the myriad of uses, including the standard “roofing and construction” logo, plus the following variations: “enterprises”, “commercial”, and “construction”. Please see the example logos below and the description of how to use the logos properly.
Use the white background logo as the default logo, and the reversed logo as needed on darker backgrounds.
Use this logo when a more vertical layout is needed.
For use in advertising related to commercial roofing and restoration. Contact [email protected] for approval to use this logo.
For use in special cases. Contact [email protected] for approval to use this logo.
For a free roof inspection contact Blue Nail Roofing at 855-255-1975. We’re a full service residential & commercial roof company, and have options available for virtually every budget.
Blue Nail Roofing is a Master Elite contractor bestowed by the largest roofing manufacturer in North America GAF. Only 2% of contractors in our country meet the rigorous standards to achieve this status which means you can rest assured you are making a smart choice when you select the professionals at Blue Nail to execute your home and business restoration repairs. Call today to schedule a professional evaluation!
©2024 Blue Nail Enterprises. All rights reserved. | Privacy Policy
Send us a little information about your roofing or home improvement needs and an expert will reach out shortly.